Why Data Storage And Analytics Could Be The New Oil


There’s a lot of talk about the cloud today, and for good reason: It is rapidly transforming the way businesses operate. But though it’s clear that cloud technology can have a significant impact on your business, one question looms large: What do you need to know about data storage and analytics?

Data storage and analytics are two technologies that are often discussed in conjunction with cloud computing because they’re both related to how information is stored and managed. And while both techniques have been around for decades, recent advances have changed the game for companies looking for ways to improve their operations through technology. In this article, I’ll explain how these technologies work together—and why they matter so much more than ever before.

Data as an Asset Class

Data is the new oil. It’s not just a commodity; it’s an asset class, like gold or land. But unlike those traditional investments, you can’t touch data–and that makes it harder for people to understand its value and importance as an investment tool.

It’s important for investors to understand how their money is being used and what kind of return they can expect from their portfolio. Data analytics can help them do just that by showing them where their ROI comes from so they know if they should keep investing in those areas or move on elsewhere with their money (or time).

The Business Case for Data Storage and Analytics

Data storage and analytics is a new asset class. The data storage and analytics industry is growing rapidly, with an estimated value of $1 trillion by 2020. The industry has created over 500,000 jobs in the past five years alone.

The Data Storage & Analytics Industry Is Worth Billions Of Dollars

Data storage and analytics has become one of the most important industries in the world today because it touches almost every aspect of our lives: from healthcare to education; from transportation to financial services; from entertainment to government agencies (including military). It’s no wonder why so many companies want to get their hands on this valuable resource!

The Cloud Revolution

The cloud revolution is here, and it’s changing the world as we know it. Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage and applications) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

The cloud allows you to instantly access any information from anywhere in the world through your computer or mobile phone device–and even better–it’s free! You don’t have to worry about losing your data either because everything is stored securely online at all times. If you ever want something from your computer or mobile phone again after deleting it out of frustration at work then just go back into the “cloud” to find what you need!

Companies that incorporate data storage and analytics technology into their business strategies have opportunities to create new markets and disrupt their competitors.

Data storage and analytics are a new asset class. As more companies incorporate data storage and analytics technology into their business strategies, they have opportunities to create new markets and disrupt their competitors. The cloud revolution is driving the need for data storage and analytics, as it allows organizations to store more information in a more cost-effective manner than ever before.

The increasing demand for storage has resulted in an increase in value of this industry as well as improved technology that allows businesses to make better decisions based on their own data or third-party datasets they’ve purchased or licensed (for example, weather patterns).


Data storage and analytics is an emerging market that has enormous potential to disrupt the way businesses operate. With data becoming more valuable than ever before, companies are looking for ways to capitalize on this opportunity by leveraging their existing infrastructure and resources in new ways. This may mean investing in new technology or finding new uses for older systems like cloud storage platforms or even relational databases. By adopting these technologies early on, businesses can gain an edge over competitors who are still relying on traditional models of data management but could eventually lose out if they don’t adapt quickly enough

Herbert Pourvase

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