Security And Privacy Evaluation Of Augmented Reality Systems


Augmented reality (AR) is a fast-growing technology that has the potential to change how we interact with the world around us. AR devices such as glasses and smartphones can blend computer-generated graphics into a user’s view of their surroundings, creating new opportunities for education, entertainment, and commerce. However, these new technologies also present challenges to privacy and security. In this post we’ll discuss some of those challenges and how best to address them


Augmented reality is a technology that allows users to interact with physical objects in the real world by overlaying digital information on top of them. For example, an augmented reality app could show you how to use a product or service by superimposing instructions onto it. Augmented reality has many potential benefits for both users and businesses, but there are also privacy and security issues that must be addressed before it can be fully adopted on a large scale.

In order to ensure that your company’s AR application will not violate user privacy or cause harm in any way, you should develop a security and privacy management plan (SPMP). A well-written SPMP will help you identify possible vulnerabilities before they occur so that they can be rectified early on in development. It will also help ensure compliance with industry regulations related to these topics such as GDPR

Privacy and Security Issues

Privacy and security are important issues for any technology, but they’re not the same thing. Privacy is about who can see what you do; security is about keeping your information safe. For example, if I’m browsing a website on my phone in public and someone walks by me with their phone camera pointed at my screen and takes a picture of it (a practice known as “shoulder surfing”), then that person has violated my privacy because they saw something that was meant to be private: what websites I visit or which articles were interesting enough to warrant further reading. The site itself may not have been secure–it could have been vulnerable to attack by hackers–but even if it had been secure, the attacker still would’ve seen something he shouldn’t have been able to see because he was just looking over my shoulder at me while I browsed through articles on his own computer screen!

Privacy and Security Guidelines

The following list includes some of the most common privacy and security guidelines.

  • Privacy and Security Policies: A company should have a privacy policy, which describes how it collects, uses, stores and shares personal data. It should also include details about how to contact the company with any concerns about its practices or requests for assistance in accessing information held about you by them.
  • Security Management Plan: Companies must implement a comprehensive approach to protecting their systems from cyber threats by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures including: threat modeling; incident response planning; training staff on security awareness; configuring firewalls correctly (e.g., deny all traffic from untrusted networks); using two-factor authentication wherever possible etc…

Security and Privacy Management Plan

A security and privacy management plan is a document that describes a system’s security and privacy controls. It provides an overview of the risks associated with using the system, as well as steps to mitigate those risks.

In the context of augmented reality systems, a security and privacy management plan can help you identify which data needs to be protected (e.g., personally identifiable information) based on your user base and industry standards. It also helps you determine how much access users should have before allowing them into your system–for example, whether they need access only at certain times or locations or if they might have 24/7 access anywhere in the world where there is internet access available on their device(s).

Finally, it provides details about how often audits will take place so that if something goes wrong with one part of your system’s data processing flow while another part remains unaffected by whatever went wrong (or vice versa), then any resulting issues can be resolved quickly without causing any lasting damage beyond just fixing whatever went wrong while leaving everything else intact – thus ensuring minimal impact on productivity levels throughout all areas affected by this incident!

Augmented reality systems need to take security and privacy issues into account.

Augmented reality systems need to take security and privacy issues into account. Privacy and security are important for augmented reality systems, and therefore the privacy and security of augmented reality systems need to be evaluated.


These are just a few of the many issues that must be considered when designing and deploying an AR system. We hope that this article has provided some insight into the many different aspects of security and privacy, and how they can be addressed.

Herbert Pourvase

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A Visual Guide To The Limitations Of Augmented Reality

Wed Apr 12 , 2023
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A Visual Guide To The Limitations Of Augmented Reality

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