On Blockchain Performance (And Why It Matters)


Blockchain technology is one of the most promising advancements to come out of cryptography. It has the potential to change how we store and transmit data, and even how we govern ourselves. But if we’re going to make blockchain technology a reality, it needs to improve in several key areas—including performance. Here’s what you need to know about blockchain performance so you can assess its effectiveness for your specific project:

What is blockchain?

You may have heard the term blockchain and wondered what it means. You’ve probably also heard the term “distributed ledger” and wondered why it’s important to know how your data is stored.

For example, let’s say you want to buy something using Bitcoin. In order to do so, you need a place where both parties can store their transaction histories in order for them both to agree on what happened and whether or not payment was made by one party or another. This is where blockchains come into play: they allow multiple parties (or nodes) access to an append-only log of information that can be verified by anyone who wishes at any time without giving away any personal details about those who participated in creating this public record of events–and only those who participated will ever know anything about each other!

What are the challenges of blockchain performance?

You may have heard that blockchain is the solution to all of your problems. But it’s not. Blockchain is an emerging technology that has many use cases, but it’s also still maturing and evolving–and it will take time before we see widespread adoption across industries.

There are several challenges with blockchain performance:

  • Blockchains are not necessarily scalable – they can only process so many transactions per second (TPS). If you want to scale beyond what your network can handle, then you need to add more nodes or split into smaller networks that can handle different types of transactions separately.* Blockchain protocols can be slow – depending on how they’re implemented, blockchains could require minutes or even hours between blocks being created and added onto ledgers.* There are security concerns when using public blockchains since anyone who knows how can access them

What are the benefits of blockchain performance?

Blockchain performance is a term that refers to the speed and volume of transactions that can be processed by a blockchain system. It’s also used to describe the amount of energy required to run a particular blockchain network, along with other factors like latency or throughput.

Blockchain performance is important because it directly affects how many people will want to use your platform, how much money they’ll spend on it, and whether it will be able to scale as needed over time.

How can we measure blockchain performance?

Blockchain performance is measured by:

  • Transaction speed. The time it takes to validate a transaction, which is the primary factor of overall throughput.
  • Throughput. The maximum number of transactions that can be processed by a blockchain per second.
  • Latency (or confirmation time). How long it takes for data to be committed onto the blockchain once it has been sent from its originator, expressed in seconds or minutes rather than milliseconds as with other technologies such as TCP/IP networks or centralized databases like SQLite and MySQL because those systems do not have built-in consensus protocols like blockchains do so their latency tends towards zero (or near zero).

The measure used most often for measuring these three characteristics above is called TPS–transactions per second–and although this may seem like an arbitrary number at first glance there are good reasons why we should care about increasing TPS throughput over anything else when talking about improving blockchain performance:

How do we evaluate the different types of blockchains?

When evaluating blockchain performance, you need to consider a number of factors. A proper assessment should measure not just transaction speed but also the entire value chain and all processes that take place within it. This is important because many businesses will be using blockchains for multiple use cases at once–for example, they might be looking to use blockchain technology as part of their supply chain process while also exploring its potential in other areas like financial services or healthcare.

For these reasons, it’s important that you understand how to measure blockchain performance across different industries and use cases. But before we dive into that topic in more detail (and so we can avoid another lengthy introduction), let’s briefly discuss what exactly “blockchain performance” means:

Blockchain technology is still in its early stages, and requires significant improvement to be fully operationalized.

Blockchain technology is still in its early stages, and requires significant improvement to be fully operationalized.

It’s important to remember that blockchain technology is still a fairly new concept. Though it has been around for several years now, it wasn’t until 2017 that people started taking notice of its potential applications beyond cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Blockchain-based platforms are becoming more common across industries–from finance to healthcare–but there are still many hurdles standing between where we are now and widespread adoption of this emerging technology.


It is clear that blockchain technology is still in its early stages, and requires significant improvement to be fully operationalized. However, there are also many benefits to be gained from this new paradigm. The key question we must ask ourselves as entrepreneurs is whether the benefits outweigh the costs of adopting this new technology in our organizations today? If so, then what kinds of solutions might work best for us?

Herbert Pourvase

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