7 Tips For Blockchain-Friendly Regulation


Blockchain technology is the future. It’s here, and it’s going to change everything about how we do business, interact with one another, and run our organizations. But before you jump on the blockchain bandwagon and start using this new technology in your own company or organization, there are some things you’ll need to consider—such as regulation. With that in mind, here are some tips for ensuring that your legal team is prepared for all possible outcomes when it comes to blockchain-friendly regulation:

Get ready for change.

The blockchain is a fast-moving technology, and regulators will need to adapt to it.

The best way for regulators to understand how the blockchain works is by learning from those who are already working with this technology. They can also study academic research on cryptoeconomics and decentralized systems, as well as industry reports from companies that have been building products using blockchains for years now.

Regulators should take note of the fact that blockchain is a global phenomenon; there’s no single jurisdiction where all activities related to cryptocurrency happen or originate from–so any regulatory approach must be coordinated across jurisdictions if it hopes for long-term success (or at least compliance).

Know the facts and be transparent.

Being transparent is important in all aspects of life, but it’s especially important when you’re working with regulators. Your business operations need to be transparent enough that they can be understood by the public and other stakeholders, including your employees and investors.

Being transparent doesn’t just mean providing accurate information; it also means being open about what goes on inside your company–and why certain decisions were made. This will help build trust with those who rely on your product or service for their livelihoods (or just want access to something cool).

Prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Prepare for the worst-case scenario. In many ways, this is an extension of the first tip: you should always be prepared and have a plan in place if something goes wrong with your blockchain project. What happens if there’s a data breach? How would you handle it? Do you have legal counsel ready to help out? What about PR support–will there be enough media coverage of your company if something does go wrong?

Prepare for hacking attempts on both ends (the consumer side and the enterprise side). If someone wants access to sensitive information from their customers or employees, they’ll try everything from brute force attacks (i.e., guessing passwords) all the way up through social engineering methods like phishing emails that appear legitimate but really aren’t–and these kinds of hacks happen every day across all industries! Your company should take steps towards educating users about what they can do in order to protect themselves online: setting strong passwords; never sharing login information with anyone else; keeping browsers updated at all times…etcetera etcetera…

Make your applications accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities.

As a blockchain developer, you have an obligation to make your applications accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. This means making sure that your application is usable by people who have visual, auditory or motor impairments or cognitive disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder or dyslexia.

It’s also important to think about how you can make your application more inclusive and open up new opportunities for people who may not otherwise be able to participate in the crypto-economy–such as those living in rural areas without access to high-speed internet connections (or even electricity). For example: what if we could use blockchain technology in developing countries where there aren’t any banks? How would this change things?

Avoid conflicts of interest by using a third-party to build and manage your public blockchain network.

By using a third-party to build and manage your public blockchain network, you can avoid any conflicts of interest that may arise from building the network in-house.

A third-party can help you build a blockchain network that is reliable, scalable and secure.

Don’t forget about the users! Make sure you’re designing systems that are easy to use and understandable by anyone who might eventually interact with them.

There are many factors to consider when designing a blockchain-based system. One of the most important is making sure that it’s easy to use and understand by anyone who might interact with it. If your users don’t understand what they’re doing, they’ll get frustrated and quit using your product or service in frustration–and then all those hours spent building out that beautiful technology will go right down the drain.

Make sure that you have thought through everything from start to finish: how will someone sign up? What information should they provide? How do we make sure their data is secure while still allowing them access when needed? Who owns which pieces of data? What happens if something goes wrong (which will inevitably happen)? And so on…

Hire a top-notch legal team that understands blockchain technology and how it can be best utilized in your business or organization’s operations.

When it comes to blockchain technology, it’s important to hire a team of lawyers who understand both the legal implications and technical nuances of this new industry. A good lawyer will be able to navigate your organization through any regulatory hurdles in order to ensure compliance with local laws while also helping you maximize the benefits that blockchain can provide for your business or organization.


As you can see, there are many ways to approach blockchain regulation. But the most important thing is that you keep an open mind and think about how your business or organization could benefit from this technology in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Herbert Pourvase

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